Ice Cream Necklace

Embedding items, including fabric, into 3D prints is not a particularly new idea and has been undertaken by many before me but I found it fascinating and just had to try it out. I decided on creating a necklace statement piece for my daughter who at the time loved everything Unicorns and Ice Creams! I chose Ice Creams as my inspiration as she had enough Unicorns already…

Part way through the printing process I paused the print so that I could lay a piece of Twill over the print before resuming it, this ensures that the fabric is embedded permanently into the print.

This results in the diamonds appearing as though they are suspended in mid-air below the necklace and because the fabric linkages are inherently flexible the piece ends up conforming to the body or any other surfaces - and Yes, it is fun to play with!

  • Material: PLA

  • Finish: Galaxy Black (Prusament) and Purple Twill

If you have access to a 3D Printer and are looking to leverage that then we recommend the following print settings, but would encourage you to experiment:

  • Rafts: No

  • Supports: Yes

  • Resolution: 0.2mm

  • Infill: 20 - 30%

  • Filament: PLA

Click here to get the free file for you to download and print yourself, depending on interest and feedback we may investigate manufacturing these - please leave a comment.


Colour is Coming!


Coffee with Character