• We are a creative design company first and foremost. We do have prototyping capabilities in-house with consumer / hobbyist quality machines and tools (i.e. FDM/FFF 3D Printers, CNC, etc.) at our disposal. These are extremely valuable for initial prototyping or iterative design quickly and cheaply, however these do not always scale well for the volumes or the level of finish / quality we require.

    Equally, printed media such as clothing and other goods are better off left to the experts so it makes sense to leverage a specialist in that field. An added benefit of handing off the distribution of our products is the logistics in regards to supply chain and shipping is handled by larger companies which can leverage their buying power and quality assurance systems to ensure products are widely available in a range of materials and colours but also able to be shipped anywhere in the world.

  • We’re still a creative studio and makers at heart so its only natural we want to keep our skills sharp and explore new methods and techniques for creating products. Some of these may not work out (possibly for the best) but still provide a learning opportunity - see some of our Concepts here. The items that we hand make for sale are typically not something that can be handed off to a third-party to manufacture or is intended for limited runs only.

  • Shapeways is our preferred manufacturing partner for all 3D Printed products - their material descriptions can be found on their website - click here

  • If you do not see the email in a few minutes from threadbuilt, check your “junk mail” or “spam” folders and add “threadbuilt@gmail.com” to your White List or Safe Sender List.

    If you still do not receive an email try submitting the form again. or email us directly at:


  • We predominantly use a program called Fusion 360 from Autodesk which is ideal for makers and hobbyists alike. Apart from that we also dabble in a number of other programs to assist in getting the desired result such as:

    - Carbide Create

    - Meshmixer

    - Inkscape

    - GIMP

  • We use Squarespace to build and host our website as we found it to be the quickest to get something up and going with minimal effort. Currently we are using a heavily modified Ventura Template on the 7.1 platform.


  • There is some content on this website that is made by other people and in keeping with open use policies we would like to credit these amazing artists and charities for their work:

    - Coming Soon image by starline from www.freepik.com - used as a placeholder for new products and announcements \[Background vector created by starline - www.freepik.com\](https://www.freepik.com/vectors/background)

    - High Trestle Trail Bridge in Texas that was taken by an amazing photographer - links to his details and the picture are here for your interest: https://www.flickr.com/photos/diversey/24189845989/sizes/t/

    - Project Semicolon logo is used in reference to charitable donations on our “Social responsibility” page. This logo has been “Reproduced with permission from Project Semicolon. All rights reserved.”

    - We use a canvas size chart to indicate the scale of our digital and physical canvas/poster products that was made by Studio Potteur on Etsy. A link to their shop can be found here:


Still have Questions?

Please contact us using the link below and we will answer any questions that you may still have.

Excluding questions about love, life and the meaning of it all… (to which, the answer is of course 42)