Logo & Logo Brand

The threadbuilt Logo Brand consists of two primary elements; the logomark and the logotype. The logomark can be used exclusively from the logotype but the logotype must always be used in conjunction with the logomark and the pipe separator – this is known as the “Logo Brand” but may be referred to as the “Logo” or “Brand”.

The logomark features an octagonal form intersected by overlapping ripples representing the orbits and paths of atoms or celestial bodies.

Types & Use Cases:

  • Emboss – standard logo used for all branding and imagery

  • Deboss – used for manufacturing where space or size constraints dictate it. This style saves on material use and often results in a cleaner easier to read finish

threadbuilt logo brand


Logo Brand (combination logomark & logotype)

Minimum Size:

The minimum sizes specified include the exclusion zones to maintain appropriate proportions and clearance/interference with other assets or text.

Logomark minimum size:

  • Digital: 150 x 150px

  • Physical: 30mm x 30mm

Logo Brand minimum size:

  • Digital: 150 x 500px

  • Physical: 30mm x 100mm


  • 36pt in Poppins Light 300


The height of the logomark dictates the amount of clear space from other assets or text is required - one third (1/3) the logomark height all around i.e. at 90px clearance would be 30px.

Note that this minimum clearance is to be maintained for the Logo Brand as well.

  • Logomark - has a minimum exclusion zone of 30px around it on all sides

  • Logo Brand – all elements have 35px spacings horizontally (incl. between elements) and are vertically centred along the midline thereby preserving the 30px vertical spacing for the logomark – this gives a thinner/stretched aesthetic than if 30px alone were used


The standard logo & logo-brand layout utilises an image in the background (High Trestle Trail Bridge*1) resulting in a slight gradient and variation in colour across the logomark & logo brand, this gradient is also used in corporate branding. Several variations have been created for specific functions or use as detailed below.


Set 1 – High Trestle Trail Bridge Image as background

Set 2 – Inverse High Trestle Trail Bridge Image as background

Note: the “white” space or exclusion zones can be omitted for use in digital forms where scaling and resolution require it, this also typically determines that the borders or positioning within that layout are not as important i.e. the logo is fixed in space and has sufficient room cleared around it

The logo is clean and subtle, featuring a simple “thread” like pattern over an octagonal form which is used in conjunction with a “pipe” separator and branding in a simple yet modern typeface. Use of a “pipe” separator is for effect only, intimating an indirect connection between the octagonal form and brand. This separation reinforces the distinct regions creating a visual boundary between the seemingly chaotic and the orderly (octagonal form and brand respectively) whilst hinting at a sense of movement as the eye is naturally drawn from left to right by way of the weighting and gradient (where utilised).

The Logo is analogous to the modern digital workplace, specifically with the recent advent of end to end digital workflows i.e. design, manufacturing & distribution methodologies (such as on demand additive manufacturing). It also serves to signify the many overlapping threads (or connections) between previously distinct services resulting in whole new industries and opportunities that are emerging in part due to the shift in digital techniques but also due to the democratisation of knowledge and services previously considered out of reach or specialist in nature.  


  • Do not print the logo or logo-brand in plain black – dark grey should be used instead to show some form of gradient

  • Don’t orient the logo-brand vertically or

  • Do not rotate the logo – there is a right side up as indicated in the logo’s & branding shown above



Poppins typeface in 36pt font for the Logo Brand. The use of Poppins gives a clean modern aesthetic and is to be all lowercase – Uppercase or CamelCase is not to be used.

Body Text

Noto Sans??

Alignment: Make it clear if you want copy to always align right, left, or centred.

Spacing: Include tracking and kerning ratios to maintain a consistent style when font size changes.





