Giving Back Program

Our Story

Ours is not a unique story in anyway; everybody has been touched by or knows somebody living with a medical or social issue. We are all now, more than ever, acutely aware of the impact that climate change and other environmental issues are having on our planet and our health.

Put simply we believe that we can and should do better. Better by the environment, better by our fellow man and better than our previous best. We believe in continually improving, exploring new & novel ways to be impactful in a meaningful and positive sense. This is why we created the Giving Back Program to give you, the customer, line of sight and a direct point of contact to making a positive change. Our program aims to support a number of Health & Environmental Initiatives around the world - this is on top of our existing Social Responsibility and Environmental initiatives that threadbuilt is already committed to.

This page lists all of our Campaigns and Charitable Partners as well as our Giving Back Program Terms & Conditions (at the foot of this page) so please read on if you are interested or have any questions.

Also, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our current range of eligible products using the link below:


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Having experienced firsthand how imposing living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) can be for young and old alike; we have partnered with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation so that a better quality of life can be found for all. They are instrumental in helping young people with managing their DIabetes and in supporting the amazing research efforts of the community in this area.

Check out our Campaign(s) below:

  • We run a month-long campaign in November of each year where a portion of profits from select products are donated to this worthy cause.

    • Eligible Products: Healthcare Products and special promotional products

    • Donation: 20% of profits

    • Time Period: November 1 -30

  • We will donate all profits from select products sold on the 14th of November to our nominated partner in support of World Diabetes Day.

    • Eligible Products: Healthcare Products and special promotional products

    • Donation: 100% of profits

    • Time Period: November 14

This is a very worthy charity and for more information on the amazing work they do please visit them on their website below:


World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign with a reach extending across 160+ countries and with a global audience of over 1 billion people. This day is incredibly powerful as a tool to draw attention towards diabetes and keep it firmly in the public and political spotlights.

To find out more about what World Diabetes Day is and how you can get involved please click the link below:

Mental Health

Project Semicolon

Project Semicolon is a very worthy charity and has done amazing work in raising awareness of and providing support for people struggling with Mental Health issues. Our Low Poly Iconography range was already well established when we came across this service but felt compelled to be involved. Bundling our Full Stop and Comma into creating a Semicolon was in effect a no brainer. We are committed to ensuring this product remains tied to Giving Back to mental health services and research based charities.

Check out our Campaign(s) below:

  • To continue the discussing and promote this amazing charity we will continue to donate a portion of profits from select products year round:

    • Eligible Products: the entire Semicolon range (including but not limited to merchandise, additive, subtractive and printed products)

    • Donation: 20% of profits

    • Time Period: Year Round

  • We run a month-long campaign in September of each year for National Suicide Prevention Month (US) where all profits from our Low Poly iconography Semi-Colon range are donated to this worthy cause

    • Eligible Products: the entire Semicolon range (including but not limited to merchandise, additive, subtractive and printed products)

    • Donation: 100% of profits

    • Time Period: September 1 - 31

Awareness of Mental Health has never been as good as it is now, but more still needs to be done. For more information about the services they provide or how you can get involved please click the link below:

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call emergency services immediately.

Men's Health


Men’s Health (Mental Health, Prostate Cancer & Testicular Cancer) is serious stuff and a very worthy cause and is no more/less important than other worthy charities; but there is something to be said about the way this charity got started and the global community it has built over the years. Not to mention it is hard to pass up the chance to grow a moustache for charity or in our case create some novelty products to show our support and hopefully have some fun along the way.

Check out our Campaign(s) below:

  • We run a month-long campaign in November of each year, or should we say Movember, where a portion of profits from select products are donated to this worthy cause.

    • Eligible Products: TBA

    • Donation: 50% of profits

    • Time Period: November 1 - 30

To find out more about Movember and how you can get involved please click on the link below:


One Tree Planted

One Tree Planted is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to restore forest areas destroyed by fire and industry alike around the world. They accept one time or recurring donations for as little as $1 - best of all every $1 (USD) plants a tree. We are proud to partner with One Tree Planted to promote sustainability through reforestation.

Check out our Campaign(s) below:

  • We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment and so for every Paper based product sold we will plant a tree.

    • Eligible Products: Paper based products (i.e. notebooks, low poly paper, books, etc.)

    • Donation: $1 USD per product sold (i.e. 1x tree for every product)

    • Time Period: Year Round

    • Special Conditions: None (i.e. includes if a product is on sale/clearance)

If you would like to choose which part of the world your donation goes towards then you can let us know in the comments when you purchase. Otherwise we make sure to spread the love around equally so you can be sure it is going to a good cause!

You can find out more about One Tree Planted on their website:

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Eligible Products

Eligible Products can be found on our Giving Back page in our shop, this is updated regularly so be sure to check back. A number of our campaigns run year round and hence the eligible products will remain on this page.

If a product is on sale or clearance it is still eligible for the Giving Back Program. Most Campaigns are calculated using a percentage of profit, in which case less money overall may be donated but we will always be transparent about this. Any fixed value donations will be honoured by threadbuilt regardless of profit/loss made.


The donations are managed on our backend and will not be transacted directly via your chosen payment process - see Tax Claims below for more detail.

  • What if I don’t wish to donate to that charity or at all:

    • We will not contribute to charities outside of our selected partners at this point in time

    • The option to not donate should you disagree with this policy is not available as it is a commitment that threadbuilt has entered into with our selected charitable partners

    • Similarly the value of the donation will not be taken off the sale price of any product in lieu of making a donation

  • Where products have multiple overlapping campaigns it should be noted that the donation values are not cumulative i.e. Campaign 1 + Campaign 2. Where this occurs the greater of any applicable campaign values will be used, as per the following example:

    • Campaign 1 @ 20% vs Campaign 2 @ 50% will result in Campaign 2 being donated

  • should you wish to maximise your donation it is at your discretion as to timing for purchasing of any eligible products. We will not backdate or roll forward any purchases to ensure more (or less) is donated. Our campaigns listed above clearly spell out eligible periods and values and if you would like to receive more information please consider subscribing to stay in the loop

  • currently personalisation of any donations or gifting is not available

  • should you wish to make your own charitable donations to any of the above services please check out the links provided - note that threadbuilt is not an affiliate of any of these and we receive no commission or incentives in doing so

Tax Claims

Customers are not eligible to claim this donation as part of any tax offset or claim for personal or business purposes and no tax receipt will be issued to this effect.