Fair Use Disclaimer

Digital Images

The digital image you are purchasing from threadbuilt is protected by copyright law and is provided to you subject to the following fair use disclaimer:

  1. Ownership: The copyright and all other rights to the digital image remain the property of the original creator or copyright holder. Your purchase only grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the image for personal, non-commercial purposes, specifically for printing and displaying in your home.

  2. Personal Use Only: The image is intended for your personal enjoyment and may not be used for any commercial purposes or for financial gain. This includes, but is not limited to, reproduction, distribution, resale, or incorporation into any product or service that is intended for sale or profit.

  3. Printing and Display: You are authorized to print and display the image in your home or office for personal purposes only. This includes framing, hanging, or otherwise showcasing the image in your private residence. It is not permitted to use the image for public display, such as in galleries, exhibitions, or public spaces.

  4. Non-Commercial Limitation: The image may not be used in any commercial context, including but not limited to advertising, promotional materials, or any form of commercial display. It is strictly prohibited to sell, license, or transfer the image to others for their commercial use.

  5. Modification and Derivative Works: You may not alter, modify, adapt, or create derivative works based on the image without obtaining explicit permission from the copyright holder. This includes any digital manipulation, cropping, or editing that substantially changes the original image.

  6. Attribution: While not required, it is appreciated if you provide appropriate attribution to the original creator or copyright holder when displaying the image in your home or office, giving credit for their work.

  7. Non-Exclusive License: The license you receive is non-exclusive, meaning that the copyright holder retains the right to grant similar licenses to others for the same image.

  8. Disclaimer of Liability: The digital image is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranties, express or implied. The copyright holder and the creator of the image shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or claims arising out of or in connection with the use of the image.

By purchasing and using the digital image, you agree to abide by these fair use terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms may result in legal consequences. If you have any questions or require any additional usage rights or permissions, please contact the copyright holder directly.