“Functional” Candy Cane

What better gift for the Christmas Holidays than a “functional” candy cane for your chocolate loving septuagenarian!

The concept came together on Christmas Eve Eve (errr, the 23rd) of this year with a rush of inspiration whilst standing in the checkout - see, it pays not to be too organised and get your Christmas Shopping done early! A quick session of modelling on Fusion 360 and some test prints of the base to check the sizing and we were ready to print. This prints in around 5.5 hours (depending on your printer/settings) and goes together with a little double sided tape or glue to hold it in place - 3M Command type tabs also work great! It really is only meant as a novelty so I wouldn’t go overboard on the glue here as it would only make it harder to get at the chocolate inside… Likewise as amazing as Toblerone is; I somehow doubt that it is structural! 😂

If you have access to a 3D Printer and are looking to leverage that then we recommend the following print settings, but would encourage you to experiment:

  • Rafts: No

  • Supports: Yes

  • Resolution: 0.2mm

  • Infill: 10 - 15%

  • Filament: PLA

Click here to get the free file for you to download and print yourself, depending on interest and feedback we may investigate manufacturing these - please leave a comment.


We wouldn’t recommend using this candy cane in place of a real walking cane, particularly in hot weather! haha


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